Monday, January 30, 2017


Normally my reviews are movies on the big screen. However I was so compelled and moved by the New Edition trilogy, it warranted a movie review. It is an autobiography of the six members of New Edition and their plight from projects to fame. As I watched, I experienced a myriad of emotions. Like most, I could relate to their humble beginnings, having big dreams, pursuing those dreams, and making it to the pinnacle of success. They were honest in sharing the highs and lows of fame, the disagreements and power struggles of the group. However, one thing that resonated throughout the film is there love, admiration, and brotherhood they shared with each other. They are blessed beyond riches, because they have a friendship which is lasted for more than 30 years. Through thick and thin, they always recognized the importance and treasured their friendship and were man enough to apologize for wrong doing. I heard the group doing an interview on SiriusXM radio. It was interesting because they said people always thought of them like family members (except the teenage & adult groupies). It made their story relatable as we felt like they were neighbors or cousins and apart of the family. We are around the same age and felt like they were my cousins who happened to make it to the big league. In my tweens, I referred to myself as Candy. If you remember the bubble letters, mine would say Bridgette A.K.A. Candy! I distinctly remember when the phone rang, my mother saying, “Who the hell is Candy, you have the wrong number”! I would be in the background telling her it was me, I’m Candy, like Candy Girl! They did a great job casting for the movie depicting each stage of life. The characters not only resembled the members, but they were believable in singing and their mannerisms. They embodied the characters. You can tell it was a collaboration of the group as they were all Executive Producers of the movie. It was truly a pleasure and treat for New Edition to share their story to include, dreams, disappointments, defeats, and triumphs. The movie is larger than life. Most people, including non-famous people don’t realize how they are impacting the lives of others. New Edition impacting many people to dream big and accomplish their goals, regardless of the circumstances. They have stood the test of time. Thank you BET for telling the story. The Legacy continues as they are still making great music and producing great artists.
 As far as my favorite New Edition, I love them all. However, I think I may have a special affinity for Ronnie DeVoe because he is a fellow Realtor. So, Ronnie we can always collaborate on a real estate deal so give me a call, aka Candy. 

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